The Churchill Society of Wisconsin
Annual Appeal Letter & Donation Form
Letter from Randolph Churchill

Stacy G. Terris, President Churchill Society of Wisconsin & Randolph Spencer-Churchill, President International Churchill Society

Stacy G. Terris, President Churchill Society of Wisconsin & Randolph Spencer-Churchill, President International Churchill Society
Wisconsin Board of Advisors
Stacy G. Terris, President
Stacy Business Advisors, LLC
Johan C.R. Segerdahl, Vice President
Segerdahl & Company, Inc.
James T. Barry, III, Secretary
The Barry Company
Larry J. Bonney
Foley & Lardner LLP
Randall Otto
Stifel Investments
Lee Pollock
Interim Executive Director
The International Churchill Society
Honorary Members
David Lough
Randall Otto
Lee Pollock
Timothy Riley
Andrew Roberts
Dr. Michael Shelden
Churchill Society of Wisconsin
706 N. Jefferson Street
Suite F
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Email To:
Federal Ein #81-1371670