
Sir Winston Churchill Key Moments

Winston Churchill History

February 28

John Churchill – 1st Duke of Marlborough

John Churchill – 1st Duke of Marlborough
February 28

November 30, 1874 – Birth occurs at Blenheim Palace. Grandson of the Seventh Duke of Marlborough

November 30, 1874 – Birth occurs at Blenheim Palace. Grandson of the Seventh Duke of Marlborough

WSC’s Mother, Lady Randolph ‘Jennie’ Churchill

February 28

Clementine Hozier is born

February 28

Enters Harrow School

Enters Harrow School
February 28

Enters Royal Military College at Sandhurst

February 28

Father Lord Randolph Churchill Dies

Father Lord Randolph Churchill Dies

Lord Randolph Churchill

February 28

Commissioned Second Lieutenant in 4th Queen’s Own Hussars

Commissioned Second Lieutenant in 4th Queen’s Own Hussars

Fourth Hussars

February 28

First visit to United States

February 28

With the 21st Lancers. Sees action at Omdurman, Sudan.

Last great war time cavalry charge.

February 28

War correspondent in South Africa; captured by the Boers and escapes

War correspondent in South Africa; captured by the Boers and escapes

WSC Far Right

February 28

Elected Conservative Minister of Parliament for Oldham – Age 26

February 28

Queen Victoria dies

February 28

Breaks with Conservative Party and joins the opposition Liberals

February 28

September 12, 1908 – Marries Clementine Hozier at St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster

September 12, 1908 – Marries Clementine Hozier at St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster

Clemmie & Churchill

February 28

Appointed Home Secretary

February 28

King Edward VII Dies

February 28

Appointed First Lord of the Admiralty on the eve of his 37th birthday

February 28

Great Britain declares war on Germany

February 28

Dismissed as First Lord over the failure of Dardanelles and Gallipoli campaigns

February 28

To the Western Front – Attached to Second Battalion, Grenadier Guards as a Major

To the Western Front – Attached to Second Battalion, Grenadier Guards as a Major

Major Grenadier Guards

February 28

Appointed Minister of Munitions for the war effort

February 28

Meets Franklin Roosevelt for first time

February 28

Appointed Colonial Secretary

February 28

Mother, Lady Randolph Churchill dies in London

February 28

Purchases Chartwell

Purchases Chartwell

Would be Churchill’s home for the remainder of his life.

February 28

Appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin

February 28

Enters his self-proclaimed “Wilderness Years” – Age 54

February 28

Speaking tour to Canada and the United States

February 28

While on a speaking tour to the United States is hit by an automobile and severely injured

February 28

FDR elected President of the United States

February 28

King George V dies

February 28

Abdication of King Edward VIII

February 28

Returns as First Lord of the Admiralty – Signal telegraph sent to the British Fleet – “Winston is back” – September 3, 1939

Returns as First Lord of the Admiralty – Signal telegraph sent to the British Fleet – “Winston is back” – September 3, 1939

Churchill: First Lord of the Admiralty

February 28

Great Britain and France declare war on Germany

February 28

Asked by King George VI to form National Coalition government. Becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain & Minister of Defence – May 10, 1940 at age 65

Asked by King George VI to form National Coalition government. Becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain & Minister of Defence – May 10, 1940 at age 65

Churchill & King George VI

February 28

In speech to Parliament declares “We shall never surrender”

In speech to Parliament declares “We shall never surrender”
August 4

WSC meets FDR aboard HMS Prince of Wales August 14, 1941. Draft the Atlantic Charter

WSC meets FDR aboard HMS Prince of Wales August 14, 1941. Draft the Atlantic Charter
February 28

Churchill with a Tommy Gun

Churchill with a Tommy Gun
January 14

WSC & FDR meet with General De Gaulle at Casablanca – January, 1943

WSC & FDR meet with General De Gaulle at Casablanca – January, 1943
May 28

Portrait by Arthur Pan

Portrait by Arthur Pan
August 8

FDR & Churchill in Quebec

FDR & Churchill in Quebec
February 28

Churchill & Eisenhower

Churchill & Eisenhower
February 28

Churchill & Eisenhower

Churchill & Eisenhower
February 27

WSC & General Montgomery

WSC & General Montgomery
February 28

Defeated by Labour Party in General Election and resigns as Prime Minister

February 28

Delivers his “Iron Curtain” speech at Westminster College, Fulton, MO

Delivers his “Iron Curtain” speech at Westminster College, Fulton, MO
February 28

At the Grave of FDR, Hyde Park

At the Grave of FDR, Hyde Park
February 28

Suffers first stroke – Age 74

February 28

Returns as Prime Minister

February 28

King George VI dies

February 28

Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

February 28

Suffers second stroke

February 28

June 14, 1954 – Invested as Knight of the Garter becoming Sir Winston Churchill

June 14, 1954 – Invested as Knight of the Garter becoming Sir Winston Churchill

Sir Winston Churchill, son Randolph Churchill & grandson Winston Churchill

February 28

Resigns as Prime Minister after suffering two strokes

Resigns as Prime Minister after suffering two strokes

With Queen Elizabeth II at Final Dinner

February 28

Churchill & Queen Elizabeth II at Final Dinner

Churchill & Queen Elizabeth II at Final Dinner
February 28

With Clemmie

With Clemmie
February 28

Proclaimed Honorary Citizen of the United States by President Kennedy

Paraphrasing wartime correspondent Edward R. Murrow, JFK proclaimed, “He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle”.

February 28

January 24, 1965 – Dies at age 90. By decree of the Queen receives a State Funeral the last to take place in Great Britain

January 24, 1965 – Dies at age 90. By decree of the Queen receives a State Funeral the last to take place in Great Britain

On January 30, 1965 hundreds of millions of viewers around the globe watched the largest state funeral the world had ever seen at the time.

February 28

Lady Clementine Churchill dies. Both buried together at Bladon, Oxfordshire

February 27

Mary Soames, Baroness Soames, LG, DBE, FRSL – Youngest of WSC & Clementine’s children. Patron of The International Churchill Society (1983-2014).

Mary Soames, Baroness Soames, LG, DBE, FRSL – Youngest of WSC & Clementine’s children. Patron of The International Churchill Society (1983-2014).

(1922-2014), Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire

February 28

Randolph Spencer-Churchill, Great Grandson

Randolph Spencer-Churchill, Great Grandson

President of The International Churchill Society

Selected timeline dates excerpted from
The Churchill Companion: A Concise Guide to the Life and Times of Winston S. Churchill

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